Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day by Day

This weekend my new roommates and I moved into our house! Hip hip hooray! Well, really they moved into the new house, and I brought some of my stuff and put it in my closet. I slept on our couch Saturday night because my room currently has no furniture. That's coming...later.

In my life, I haven't ever truly moved, that I remember. When I was about 2, my parents moved out of our condo in Boston into my great-grandmother's house, so they could help take care of her. I don't remember that, though. Since then, I grew up packing to go to Maine every summer, but that's not really moving. I've done a lot of traveling and lived in a lot of different places (especially over the last four years), but I haven't ever totally moved out of one place into another. I still won't really be able to say that I have done that even after this move, since my bed is coming from one place, my dresser is coming from another, and I am coming from a third (with my clothes). Eventually we'll all be together. Happily ever after.

I did learn, however, that moving mostly involves a lot of cleaning. Cleaning the old place. Cleaning the new place. So much dirt and mold. Yuck. And lots of phone calls to take care of so many details. Being an American adult means keeping track of lots of random pieces of life, most of which involve a bill of some kind.

Once I'm all moved, I'll share some pictures of my place. For now, you can enjoy this view. It's the one I see behind my office building. I don't usually get this fish-eye perspective, though. That's thanks to the panorama photo-taking abilities of my iPhone 5.

My coworkers and I have many wonderful ideas of ways to make good use of this body of water. We would love a combination of the following:

  • Slip-n-slide
  • Sunfish
  • Paddle boat
We'll just avoid upsetting the alligator who calls Lake Tyndale home.


  1. Sunfish--yes! I vote for that. :) Hope the rest of your moving goes well!
