So what I am doing for work? I mean, I moved down here to start a job with Wycliffe Bible Translators and then my posts all turned into Disney, culture shock, the Suwannee River, and books I'm reading. Here I will provide the brief history (so far) of me and my first ever real job.
I was hired as a marketing coordinator in the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) department of Wycliffe Bible Translators USA. My job was to help the two marketing strategists and the director of communications do whatever tasks they put on my plate. I also ended up helping our project traffic coordinator* and our director of public relations.
Then things changed. Our department reorganized, and I got a new boss and a new job and a new title. I'm still waiting to hear what my new title is - I'll let you know when I know. My new supervisor, formerly one of the marketing strategists, is now the head of our digital marketing team, of which I am now part.
I'm still working on my short, interesting, understandable description about what I do. Here's the current version: Wycliffe wants to provide people with the information and resources they need so that they can get involved in Bible translation. As part of the digital marketing team, I am using new technologies, such as cool ways to create and send emails and communicate through other digital mediums, to provide our individual audience members personalized, relevant information as they take steps to learn about and get involved in Bible translation.
Right now this involves me learning a lot. And I get to work with cool people, which makes me happy.
*What is a project traffic coordinator? you might ask, as I did when I started my job. She helps all of our marketing projects - whether they are web, print, video, or otherwise - actually get done by making sure all the team members know what they need to be working on when. Pretty important.
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