Monday, June 11, 2012

A Very D.C. Weekend

While riding the metro home on Friday, the train driver said over the PA system, "I wish you all a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious weekend." Thanks, train driver, cause that's what I had.

Rock the Mall
Apparently 2012 is the year of 100th anniversaries: for Fenway Park, the sinking of the Titanic...and the Girl Scouts. This weekend D.C. was invaded by over 200,000 Girl Scouts and the various adults they brought with them for the Girl Scouts Rock the Mall: 100th Anniversary Sing-Along. So many little girls!!!

My housemate and I rode the metro to Eastern Market on Saturday morning and experienced a preview of the sing-along. Yes, right there on the subway I sang along with "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold." I came to D.C. expecting to be far away from the whole "girls' camp" thing, but  it found me. My poor housemate, who never did girl scouts and never went to camp, was in culture shock.

Tourist-y Stuff with International Justice Mission (IJM) Interns
Eastern Market...yummy crepes...beautiful Thomas Jefferson Library of Congress building...tour of the Capital building...Good Stuff Eatery milkshakes.

*Read in a sarcastic voice* I love clothes shopping. *end of sarcastic voice*
God has just given me other gifts... Well, I'm going to be a bridesmaid in a wedding at the end of this summer, and I had to find a dress. (Thanks to my Rachacha friend for her assistance in getting started on the whole dress shopping thing, despite our lack of success.)

I found it yesterday, though, with the help of my mom's best friend who was down in D.C. for the weekend. She also took me to church, drove me to REI (sleeping bag shopping) and Trader Joe's (must have cereal!), took me out to a Thai restaurant for lunch, and was just an all-around wonderful substitute mother and good friend.

Back to the dress and the wedding: now I am ready (I think/maybe/I hope) to wish my dear, lifelong friend well as she steps into this new stage of her life. We've known each other ever since I was born. For me, that's a really long time. Love you, Redwing!

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