Monday, July 23, 2012

About that Christian Liberal Arts College in the Middle of Nowhere

During the past three months I have had many opportunities to introduce myself to a wide variety of people. These people come from all over the United States and vary widely in age. Of course, at some point they all ask, "What college do you go to?"

To which I reply, "I go to Houghton College. It's in western New York state."

And I watch their faces very closely. These are the kinds of responses I have received:
  • The Blank Stare: Quite often these new aquaintances display their lack of knowledge of Houghton College very openly on their faces. Then I get to explain that I go to a very small, Christian, liberal arts school in the middle of nowhere. Do they know where Rochester or Buffalo are? Ok, well, it's out near those cities...
  • The Nod and Smile: These respondents have as little knowledge of Houghton as their "Blank Stare" friends, but they are more restrained in their facial expressions. They are working hard to be polite but the name doesn't ring any bells.
  • The Look of Understanding: This face is usually followed by an explanation of "Oh, my (cousin, sister, friend) went there" or "I know one of the professors who works there". A connection has been formed but it's distant.
  • The Look of Pure Joy: This only happens when someone has actually been to Houghton, gone on a Houghton study abroad program, or attended said school. Needless to say, this response brightens my day.
Also, it's pronounced "HO-tn"

not "HOW-tan"
not "WHO-tn"
not "HUF-ton"
not "HAW-ten"
not "HUE-tin"

Houghton. As in "HO HO HO, MERRY CHRISTMAS!" and then a ton of bricks that squashes the doughnut--no more "O", just tn! Houghton.

Hi, I'm Bethany, and I go to Houghton College.

1 comment:

  1. Ah I totally understand this has been my WHOLE summer. Except that the Mexicans still don't believe me that Vermont exists and are certain New York = NYC and everyone else just gives me blank stares about anything East Coast...I have had a grand total of one person who has heard of Houghton. They were from Ohio. Then everyone was super weirded out how excited I got that I finally had a connection. Oh well. Miss you love you!
