Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Loony Visits the Newseum

Late last week I thought to myself, "Hmmm, what shall I do this weekend?" I decided to go to Mount Vernon. Then I thought about how hot it was going to be. And I changed my mind. That was definitely a good choice. 

Instead I went to the Newseum, on Pennsylvania Avenue, with a fellow WV intern. We discovered that our tickets were good for two days, so we went for about 4 hours on both Saturday and Sunday. By the time we were done we had pretty much seen the whole museum--there's a lot to see. 
The view from the Newseum's 6th floor Pennsylvania Avenue balcony.
(Also, notice the Canadian flags? That's the Canadian Embassy. Happy Canada Day--a little late! The 5/8s of me that is Canadian celebrates! Oh, and look, I'm holding a "Loony"...mwahahaha.)

We saw the exhibit about presidential campaign communication, and I had flashbacks to my communication senior seminar class this spring where we studied this exact topic. I focused my research on:

I must say that studying this topic made me cynical about the presidency.
It probably didn't help that I chose to focus on Nixon and Clinton...
 Near the end of Sunday, Loony and I popped into the studio at the Newseum where they film ABC This Week with George Stephanopoulos. There was a lady there on the tour who was so overcome with emotion that she almost started crying when she got to touch the chair where Stephanopoulos sits. A little odd, yes?

 In other news, I survived my first massive DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) freak storm on Friday night. Lots of wind, lots of lightning, lots of rain. Not a lot of power thanks to lots of downed tree limbs/trees. Thankfully, my house got power back by Saturday morning, but many others weren't so lucky. I know several people who still don't have power back. That makes for some hot weather inside and out.

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